Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Having a teen and a pre-schooler certainly has its advantages. I get to make the older do things for the younger, like get her toothbrush ready, help her put her shoes on, etc. There is little to no sibling rivalry and, generally speaking, they are like two only children- both in their own world.

The disadvantage is that they rarely play together, are too far apart to confide in each other and there have been many melt-downs when Joe wouldn't let Llama come in his room, or play football with he and his friends.

There are rare moments, like last night, however, that are beautiful...

Llama came bouncing (as llamas do) into the kitchen to tell me she was going to take a bath with Joe. I asked her if Joe knew that, and she said, "yes".
Joe Cool- Mr. Video game, Mr. Sports, Mr. Check Out My Muscles, did indeed put on his bathing suit and jump in the tub with his sister.
For over 30 minutes, there was splashing, laughing, toy playing, shampoo filled hair sculpting and flooding of the bathroom floor.

As suddenly as it happened, when the water cooled, Joe was back in his room, door locked. Llama was back to dancing, and wiggling to her MP3 songs...

In two years, Joe Cool will be off to college and Llama will be in1st grade. He will move on to 'grown-up' things and she will be deep into maneuvering her way through the social network of public school. There will be no more baths together.

Right now Joe is in the exact middle of Teenager- he is mean, obnoxious and secretive. Other days he is argumentative, beligerant and sullen- and some days he is all of this combined. But then the sun seems to come out, he kisses me good morning, hugs his sister, does the dishes with no complaints. Some days, like today, we are given relief from the hostility that is a testosterone filled teen boy- and it is beautiful. It is a teasing glimpse into the wonderful, caring, tender, sweet man he will be. I cannot wait to meet that man.

My Peter Pan, my Pooh Bear, Daddy's Little Man sometimes returns to Neverland-To be a boy, not a care in the world. I miss him. And on days like today, I am glad he came out to play...
and so was Llama.


  1. Okay, I needed a tissue warning with that one. I feel the very same way about my soon to be 15 year old son.
    GREAT post!!!


  2. Great Job Cathy. You have a great writing style. Incredible stuff about your yearly letter.
