Thursday, January 28, 2010


I have discovered that I am not supposed to be super model thin. I used to feel like Cindy Crawford under all this, just knowing that one day I would grow 5 inches, have long, flowing hair and legs that start where my chin is now.
I now know that will never be. I know this because of pizza night. I have been working on small lifestyle changes to my diet. I had a salad when everyone else had pasta and pizza. I made myself pasta for lunch and ended up throwing most of it out. Yay, me.
Then today, the evil public school system announces that it is CiCi's night for the Elementary School. 10% of sales goes to the school. How can I not support that? Shame on Satan for using small children and cheese covered dough to ruin me. Sigh. Oh, I can hear you now- they have soup and salad there, too. True, and I just might do that. But you try sitting in the middle of the factory that makes your favorite food and nibble on plants. Not always fun.

On another note, the weather is sabotaging my 'List of Household Work to be Done'. Balmy and bright when I made the list, it has been windy and wet- and it will be frigid tomorrow- not conducive to painting, repairing or soil preparing.

The many mom things I do that rely on the internet are also being sabotaged. Pay taxes? Frozen screen. Look up trailers for the Band? An error has shut me down. Paying bills? Internet security is taking so long to do a daily scan, it times out the funds so I have to wait 45 minutes to resend and make sure I didn't double pay.

I am thinking of getting out the vaccum and searching for Gremlins. Sabotage is frustrating, tiresome, annoying, and makes me want to throw something.

But then, God reaches over and sends a little thumb sucking Llama over to duck under my arm and say, "Momma, I love you- I want you to come play with me." And I know that my work is being put to the side, again- Ahhh, what a wonderful way to be sabotaged.

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