Monday, January 18, 2010


So, this morning, Joe Cool is up early, dressed and eating breakfast. I comment on how lively he is, chalking it up to him going to bed early last night because he was exhausted from a long weekend.

But then...

He happily helped his sister get out of bed. (my eyebrow raised) Then he laughed with her as he helped her brush her teeth. (my mouth hangs open) AND he combed and fixed her hair, nicely. (does he want money?)AND he wanted to make her breakfast...
(I asked him what he wanted at this point)

Llama wanted oatmeal. He let her help him make it. He put their backpacks in the car. He fed the cat and cleaned out the litter box... ( I wondered if I died and gone to heaven, or was he an alien who replaced my abducted teen?)

THEN, I smell it- some strong 'boy if it smells good with one spray, 10 sprays would be awesome' kind of scented fog wafting down the hallway. AH HA! I've got him, this must be all about a GIRL! I am not dead, it's just hormones...

5 minutes later, he announces that it is time to leave for school. It is 7:25am. 5-10 minutes before we typically leave. I am still in a robe. I tell him that we can't leave now, I'm not dressed and his sister doesn't get to school this early (she usually gets dropped off first).

Poof. The illusion is over. He starts dancing around, trying to not yell and have a fit. So, I ask about the girl, why he has to go so early to see her? Here it is, I think smuggly, he is going to have to admit there is a girl, and who she is...

Crud. Not a girl. Morning D-Hall. Too many tardies in a 3 week time period and you get D-Hall. He has to be there by 7:30. And the clock is ticking...and it will be my fault if he is late and he will get another D-Hall. Of course, all my fault. Riiigggghhhhtt. Gotcha.

Sigh. I liked the illusion, it was a fun 30 minutes of perfection. Family Bliss. I love that boy. I could strangle him sometimes.

Is it bad that I sure hope he gets more tardies, and soon?

1 comment:

  1. Funny! Nice glimpse of what I have to look forward to. Why do kids think they can outsmart their parents??

    BTW, found you from Ma Bunny ;)
